North Georgia SRA

The North Georgia SRA is a chapter of the Socialist Rifle Association, operating within the state of Georgia. The Socialist Rifle Association is a federally-registered 501(c)(4) non-profit social welfare organization, incorporated in Wichita Kansas. We are an organization dedicated to education and advocacy for self-defense, community defense, first aid, and disaster relief. Please visit the national SRA website for more information. The SRA is not a militia and does not engage in direct action. The SRA does not endorse political candidates.

Become a member

How Do I Join the SRA?

The first step to joining the North Georgia SRA is to become a national member of the SRA. Every prospective member will get an interview with several chapter members, and have the opportunity to ask questions of the chapter. Onboarding usually takes less than a month, but can sometimes take longer during busy periods. We’re all volunteers!

Step 1: Join the SRA

Join the SRA

Your first step will be to join the national SRA organization through JoinIt. You don’t need to use your legal name or dead name to join the SRA, and you can use a gift card or temporary credit card. Once you join the national organization, you will get an account on the national forums,, after your account is reviewed by national staff.Approx time: 1 week to 1 month

Step 2: Post an Intro Thread

Post an Intro Thread

Once you have a forums account, locate the Introductions forum on the national SRA discourse forum at Post an introduction thread with your name and location, and introduce yourself, making sure to tag it with Georgia so our onboarding team can find you. We will reach out to you and schedule the first interview at a time that is convenient for you. All prospective members must be interviewed to make sure we all feel safe together.Approx time: 1 day to 1 week

Step 3: Vetting Interview

Vetting Interview

The chapter will conduct one or more vetting interviews with you, to make sure you are a good fit for the chapter. Don’t worry, these aren’t a test about theory or literature, just simple questions to make sure we can all feel safe together in an environment that may include firearms. These interviews may be conducted over video or performed in-person. Don’t use your phone while driving!Approx time: 1-2 hours

Is the SRA right for me?

We Protect Us

The North Georgia SRA is an organization dedicated to in-person meeting, education, and conversation. We learn together, educate each other, and work together to improve ourselves and our community. If you want to learn and help other working people learn about firearms, self-defense, first aid, and other topics, it might be a great organization for you.We believe that working-class people have the right to to the tools and training for self-defense. It should come as no surprise that the socialist rifle association upholds socialist principles, which include a belief that it is the people who produce value in our society who should have the right to be armed - not only the people empowered by the existing hierarchies and structures of class, race, and power.

All Peoples

The chapter does not discriminate, and will not condone discrimination, on the basis of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, creed, or social background. We are a pan-leftist organization and all need to strive to organize and educate together.

No Conflicts

The SRA is not a place for conflict. This isn’t a place for online arguments. It’s also not a place for armed conflict. The SRA is not a militia and doesn’t seek to overthrow any government. Our members have the right to support political candidates and causes of their choosing, but the SRA isn’t a place to do that. Our goal is to better our community together.


We all have different life stories. Every member has different backgrounds and lived experiences. We all need to respect each other and understand our differences. Working together means being able to understand that those differences make us stronger and give us better perspective. We don’t have hierarchy or levels, because we are all humans experiencing this world together.

How much does it cost?

Pay what you can

Membership dues support the national organization, and pay for insurance, legal bills, and the overhead for running the organization. There are multiple plans available, and dues waivers for those who cannot afford membership.

Monthly Membership


Monthly membership is more convenient, and if you are unsure about whether you want to join the SRA, may be the best option for you. Pay every month, automatic billing.

Annual Membership


Yearly membership costs less, if you want to commit to a year at a time. This is the best option if you know you want to be a long term member of the SRA. Pay yearly, automatic billing.

Donate to the SRA

Maybe membership isn’t the right option for you, but you still want to support the SRA and its mission. You can also donate to the SRA to support the cause of working people in this country. Contributions to the SRA, as a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization, are not tax deductible. This is not considered a charitable donation by the IRS.

© NGA SRA. All rights reserved. We Protect Us.